
Error report


Se stasera sono qui (nikitoz555)

Submitted by


On April 20, 2014

Error description

Se stasera sono qui

This song is undeniably composed by Luigi Tenco (music) and Mogol (lirycs), which entrusted it to good singer Wilma Goich, who recorded it April 10, 1967 on disc 45, which in turn was released in the same month. Precisely so his song is the most well known because it was presented to the Italian musical review "Un Disco Per L'estate" of the same year 1967. The author, Luigi Tenco instead recorded July 25 and published in September 1967.

See the dates of registration of the matrices, disk Wilma Goich >

See the dates of registration of the matrices, disk Luigi Tenco >

See also below 45 rpm of Luigi Tenco

A further confirmation is that both artists belonged to the Italian label "Dischi Ricordi," in which discography, on 45-rpm records, you may notice this difference between the two recordings, based on the sequential numbering of the same


See also the 45 rpm record of Luigi Tenco >


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