

Jesus Christ Superstar by various artists

Release date
Catalog number
MKPS 2011
Double 12" LP
soundtrack / cast release
"Rock Opera" written by Tim Rice (lyrics and book) and Andrew Lloyd Webber (music). 2nd album = MKPS 2012

On April 4, 1971, the musical was presented for the first time in a live, concert performance by the Ravenswood Rock Group. The first authorized concert took place at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's Civic Arena on July 11, 1971, while the Broadway show opened on October 12, 1971. Finally, a film adaptation was released on August 15, 1973.
Related releases
Jesus Christ Superstar - Deluxe Edition   triple disc 50th anniversary reissue with a bonus CD of previously unreleased material


Added by Denis
Managed by CarlDennis

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#32400 Quentin 2006-07-24 00:09:19 UTC processed 2006-07-24 00:22:27 UTC by Denis