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The Good Life (Denis)

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On March 25, 2014


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The Good Life

I relalize Tony Bennett had a hit song with "The Good Life." However Sergio Franchi was the first artist to record the song on February 9, 1963. Bennett's version was released with his album "I Wanna Be Around" on February 18, 1963. Franchi had just arrived in America in October, 1962 and released two billroard hits "Romantic Italian Songs" (peaked #17 in December 1962) and "Our Man From Italy" (Peaked # 66 I believed) This Album was released in January, 1963. "The Good Life" was Franchi's first single, and although he would be a successful album artist, he never had a hit single. Perhaps if he had lived as long as Bennett (Franchi died of cancer in 1990), he would have had (like Bennett) ha resurgence of interest from a younger generation. Sergio Franchi was a formidable voice and a formidable presence, and I do not believe his work should be neglected. Will see if I can upload my sources without breaking my message. Otherwise I will upload my sources in a separate message. Here is a link to the published sheet music featuring Sergio Franchi and Bennett. Bennett's recording was the "Cover". Sheet Music:…

Sergio Franchi release published Feb. 9, 1963:…=onepage&q=Sergio%20Franchi%20%2B%20Billboard%20%2B%20%22The%20Good%20Life%22&f=false

Tony Bennett first mention on Billboard:…=onepage&q=Tony%20Bennett%20%2B%20Billboard%20%2B%20%22The%20Good%20Life%22&f=false

Thanks, Catherine


Comment by tsk
2014-04-07 01:47:46 UTC

Your sources are indeed persuasive for the Franchi version of "The Good Life" as the original release -- a couple of weeks prior to the Tony Bennett release. I could not establish a recording date for Franchi's version; however, it was definitely recorded after he came to the U.S. so it could not be the first recording of the song with English lyrics. Instead, the first recorded version was by Betty Carter in August, 1962.

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2016-03-09 00:00:00 UTC
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